Dementia Caregiver Support | Victory Church

Dementia Caregiver Support

Dementia Caregiver Support

Monday, November 23, 2020, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Victory Church, 191 Meriden Road, Middlefield, CT US 06455

Caregivers for Alzheimer's and dementia face special challenges.

Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia often involves a team of people. Whether you provide daily caregiving, participate in decision making, or simply care about a person with the disease — we have resources to help.

We will provide education and resources to dementia caregivers so that caregivers can deliver the highest level of care and support to establish a safe environment in the home.

Our group will meet once a month from 6 - 7pm (September 28, October 12 and November 23) in the Youth Center.

If you would like to join via Zoom, here is the information:
Meeting ID: 837 4251 6608
Passcode: 700946

The group will be led by Barbara Miller and Associate Pastor Roy Bauer. The material will come from the CT Alzheimer's Association.

Sign Up


For questions, contact Barbara Miller & Pastor Roy by or call Victory at 860-346-6771.

Add event to calendar 11/23/2020 18:00 11/23/2020 19:00 America/New_York Dementia Caregiver Support

Caregivers for Alzheimer's and dementia face special challenges.

Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia often involves a team of people. Whether you provide daily caregiving, participate in decision making, or simply care about a person with the disease — we have resources to help.

We will provide education and resources to dementia caregivers so that caregivers can deliver the highest level of care and support to establish a safe environment in the home.

Our group will meet once a month from 6 - 7pm (September 28, October 12 and November 23) in the Youth Center.

If you would like to join via Zoom, here is the information:
Meeting ID: 837 4251 6608
Passcode: 700946

The group will be led by Barbara Miller and Associate Pastor Roy Bauer. The material will come from the CT Alzheimer's Association.

Sign Up


For questions, contact Barbara Miller & Pastor Roy by email or call Victory at 860-346-6771.

191 Meriden Road, Middlefield, CT US 06455 false MM/DD/YYYY
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