Victory School of Ministry | Victory Church

Victory School of Ministry

VSM is a charismatic, Bible-based teaching and training center dedicated to equipping everyday people to become world changers.

The time is now.
People are hungry for the truth. 
Turn your world upside down for Jesus!

Mission: Developing passionate, Christ-centered leaders who transform culture.

Who: YOU! This is for everyone who wants to grow in the Lord.

When: Classes from fall/winter '24 to spring '25. Variety of class topics + class lengths.

Time: 6:30p-8:30p

Where: All classes taught at VICTORY.

How: Attend VSM classes 3 ways:

1. VSM - In person
2. VSM - Livestream
3. VSM - Recording

Everyone is encouraged to attend in person!

***Classes will be taught by Dr. Peter Leal and Pastor Petey Leal Jr, and/or guest teachers and ministers

Questions? Contact Laurie Labieniec.

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8:45am + 11:00am

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